South Shore Science Fun House
MORE INFO: http://southshorescience.org
And please register and tell us what events you're interested in!
Saturday, April 25, 2015
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Quincy Center for Innovation, 180 Old Colony Avenue, Quincy (Wollaston), MA 02170. Half a mile from the Wollaston T.
To be part of the mission of the Cambridge Science Festival which is to encourage a love of science.
Members of the Quincy Center for Innovation will present various opportunities to have fun while learning by doing. Nonmembers will be presenting as well.
Gateway to Science: Sports and Games. Jump roping, hula hooping, tug of war, string-can telephones, science in stories, and more
Refraction, from the points of view of an optometrist and a jeweler
Nature studies
Digital storytelling
Fun house mirror
Make a helicopter
How does The Cloud work?
Stop-motion video
Improvisation: Thinking on your feet
Recycling at home, a game
Recycling at the factory
How factories make what you want
Scratch programming
Under the microscope: transferring genes - keeping medicines clean - purifying medicinal products
Musicians from New England Conservatory
Musical instrument petting zoo
Robotics I with Legos