Thursday, May 9, 2019

Science of Basketball multifaceted program in Dallas

Here's a terrific broad-based program in Dallas, from curriculum to workshops and kits and more.  What a wonderful model! ... Kathy

A product of!

Dallas Mavericks Science of Basketball Program

The Dallas Mavericks and Flowserve partnered with Dallas Independent School District for the Dallas Mavericks Science of Basketball program presented by Flowserve to provide engaging programs to students in the Dallas area.


The Dallas mavericks Science of Basketball provides a mechanism for elementary and middle school students to improve their academic performance. Our goal is to translate the love of basketball into an appreciation, understanding, and passion of the science and mathematics underlying the sport.

Program Details:

  • Developed a Dallas Mavericks Science of Basketball 10-lesson curriculum for schools to use in the classroom or after school program
  • Hosted a teacher workshop for 20 5th and 6th grade level teachers
  • Developed 20 Science of Basketball Kits including all the classroom materials and sporting equipment needed to implement at the school
  • Provided assessment and evaluation on student growth and teacher effectiveness
  • Developed website for teachers to access curriculum, worksheets, and online resources
  • Provided a Mavericks Science of Basketball 1-day student camp for 100 students


  • More than 2,000 students
  • More than 20 teachers
  • 10 schools participated in the program

Science of Baseball teacher training in Oakland

If you're a teacher from the Oakland area, see if this is being offered again in 2019. ... Kathy   

Another terrific offering from

Oakland A’s Science of Baseball Teacher Workshop

Attention Oakland Teachers!
The Oakland A’s Science of Baseball presented by Chevron is hosting an Oakland A’s Science of Baseball Teacher Workshop to Oakland area teachers! This unique opportunity is absolutely free of charge! Here is some information about the event:
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Time: 9am until 1pm
Location: Oakland Coliseum
Each teacher will receive professional development credit for attending, a curriculum workbook with 15 Science of Baseball lessons that align with California State Standards, a kit of materials needed to implement the curriculum in the classroom, and tickets to the Teacher Appreciation game that night versus the Toronto Blue Jays!