Wednesday, October 15, 2014


When I began this weblog four years ago, the name I coined for this approach was "Newton 1-2-3 Go!"  It's a reference to Isaac Newton's three laws of motion, combined with "1-2-3 Go!"  which is said at the start of a race -- so, together a reference to the sport component as well as the science. 

However,  sometimes  when I would give my business card to someone, I noticed they'd puzzle a bit at the name.  As time passed, I came up with "Gateway to Science:  Sports and Games."  This was as I was preparing to do a local television show.  I adopted that name for the show and changed the blog name, too (also, my business cards!)

I keep Newton 1-2-3 Go! because I still think it works, and maybe some product will be developed in the future for which it would be a good name.  By the way, I see a lot of business potential. 

Using games and sports to advance the understanding of physics and geometry is an area that is vastly underdeveloped, i.e., in a way that is consistent, systematic, and widespread.  If this idea were embraced, the sky could be the limit.  I think that young people, especially those who are looking to go into business for themselves, would do well to explore this and figure out what they could develop and market.  Put your thinking cap on!

The infrastructure is already there -- the sports industry, electronics, movies, books, amusement parks, playgrounds, social media, you name it -- 
and in the hands of the right people -- YOU? -- you could advance the cause of science literacy, innovation, and most of all, fun!

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